Thursday, June 11, 2015


On my mind lately...words. The world is filled with all kinds of words. Written words, spoken words. Words that hold great value, meaning, purpose, promise; and words that are like garbage, or are like fluff that blow away and aren't worth anything, or are empty. I'm making plans to look carefully at the words uttered by the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the God of the Bible. Just this morning I spent time looking at Genesis 17, where God initiates a covenant with Abraham. His spoken words are quoted. I believe this event took place thousands of years ago, and that by the divine hand of God those words were recorded and exist still today. I believe that the words spoken, the covenant established, was spoken by a God who does not throw around His words carelessly, but purposefully places them down in time and space with great meaning and value. I want for this part of God's character to have impact on my life. Anyone want to join the conversation? I'd love to have the thoughts of others as I launch into this study!

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